Helge Lien Trio and Tore Brunborg (Norway)
Helge Lien 海尔格·里恩(Piano| 钢琴)
Tore Brunborg 托尔·布鲁恩博格(Saxophone| 萨克斯)
Johannes Eick 埃里克·约纳斯(Bass| 贝斯)
Knut Aalefjaer 克努特·阿勒法尔(Drums| 鼓)
海尔格·里恩(Helge Lien),挪威世界级爵士钢琴家、作曲家。被誉为斯堪的纳维亚:最诗情画意的当代杰出音乐家。北欧:最具世界影响力的爵士钢琴大师。挪威:最抒情的爵士乐演奏家、作曲家。
里恩的三重奏(Helge Lien Trio)不仅是当今世界最重要的一支爵士乐三重奏,更是北欧挪威音乐审美风貌的代言人。他们的作品有着深入人心的魔力,能让听者感受到极致的音色控制与演奏控制力以及对空间色彩出神入化的描绘和美妙非凡的旋律。
里恩毕业于挪威音乐学院,受到爵士乐传奇大师Bill Evans和Keith Jarrett的叙事风格影响,他从挪威的自然地貌和丰富的民间音乐中取材,其2008年的专辑《Hello Troll》获得享有挪威“格莱美奖”美誉的Spellemannprisen爵士大奖。自此之后,里恩率领自己的三重奏在世界各地进行巡演,到访过包括日本、加拿大、韩国等多个国家和地区。里恩现任挪威音乐学院爵士乐系副教授,乐队成员均是来自挪威的顶级爵士乐手。
2019年,在九门音乐节舞台,里恩不仅率领三重奏原班人马来华,更是邀约了挪威另一位世界级萨克斯演奏家托尔·布鲁恩博格(Tore Brunborg)的加入,将以四重奏的形式为北京的观众带来获奖专辑《Hello Troll》以及新专辑《Bridge》里的主打曲目。
Helge Lien, Norwegian jazz pianist and composer, is an internationally acclaimed musician who explores the borders between different musical genres, but whose sound as a jazz pianist is always a distinctive feature.
Lien holds a master degree in music from the Norwegian Academy of Music, where Russian pianist Misha Alperin was his mentor and teacher of improvisation.
The core of Lien’s work has since 1999 been the Helge Lien Trio, consisting of the classic jazz constellation piano, bass and drums. In 2008 the trio won the Norwegian Grammy for their album Hello Troll, and has achieved international acclaim following nine international album releases, as well as numerous tours and festival performances in Japan, Canada, South Korea, Europe and Scandinavia.
In addition to his activities as composer and performer, Lien is currently employed as an associate professor in jazz at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo.
托尔·布鲁恩博格(Tore Brunborg),挪威萨克斯管演奏家和作曲家。1960年生于挪威特隆赫姆。作为斯堪的纳维亚最具影响力的爵士演奏家、教育家,他组建了托伦·布鲁堡三重奏、托伦·布鲁堡四重奏等多支极具影响力的挪威爵士乐队。
多年来托尔.布鲁恩博格尝试着多种类多风格的创作与合作,曾参加交响乐团和萨克斯管音乐会、塔努姆教堂大型乐队,还参与了合唱团和独奏家音乐会、音乐现场工作坊Big Band项目、视觉“手”(戏剧音乐)、Vennesland系列(传统爵士乐和诗歌)、奥斯陆室内乐团(室内乐团和萨克斯风)、Vossajazz 40周年音乐会等多种风格的演出。
Tore Brunborg, Norwegian saxophone player and composer. Born in 1960 in Trondheim, Norway. As the most influential jazz player and educator in Scandinavia, he formed a number of influential Norwegian jazz bands such as the Torun Bluburg Trio and the Torun Brumburg Quartet.