鲍洛希·巴伊 新四重奏与李晓川(匈牙利/中国)
Balazs Bagyi New Quartet Ft. Li Xiaochuan (Hungary/China)
Soso Lakatos山铎尔·拉卡托斯(Saxophone|萨克斯)
Dezső Oláh德索·奥拉(Piano|钢琴)
Péter Oláh彼得·蒂波尔·奥拉(Bass| 贝斯)
Balázs Bágyi鲍洛希·巴伊(Drums| 鼓)
特约 Li Xiaochuan 李晓川(Trumpet |小号)
鲍洛希·巴伊(Balazs Bagyi),鼓手、作曲家,现任匈牙利爵士乐协会主席,是当今匈牙利爵士乐坛最受尊重的音乐家之一。他全球旅行,曾在许多欧美国家进行演出, 2017年Balazs Bagyi新四重奏受中国文旅部邀请,作为匈牙利现代爵士音乐的代表在中国境内进行了长达一个月的巡演,他们也因此爱上了中国。
鲍洛希·巴伊(Balazs Bagyi)四重奏的音乐家们都生活在美丽的布达佩斯。这是一座充满无穷魅力的美丽城市,多瑙河记载着布达佩斯多民族融合的历史,其中吉普赛人悠久而神秘的文化造就了这座城市独特的人文魅力。四重奏中,有三位音乐家就是地地道道的吉普赛血统。与神秘的流浪吉普赛部族不同,这三位定居下来的吉普赛音乐家受过良好的古典音乐教育,与他们来自远古的基因融合后所迸发出来的艺术创造力更加独特。
此次鲍洛希·巴伊(Balazs Bagyi)四重奏应邀来到九门音乐节的舞台演出,不仅带来了最新专辑《China Jazz Suite》(爵士组曲:中国)的世界首演,其中主打曲目《GardenofJoy》、《TibetianTales》更是充分抒发了四重奏音乐家们对中国的美好回忆和情感。此次,四重奏还邀约了中国最杰出的青年爵士乐小号演奏家李晓川同台演出。
Drummer and composer Balázs Bágyi is one of the most respected musicians of theHungarian jazz scene today, working internationally, leading his own bands over the last twodecades. Being a member of different bands he creates music almost in all genres, his uniquemelodic style of playing drums gives a complex music experience. His previous quartet,existed from 2004 - 2011, was a very important band on the Hungarian etno-jazz a worldmusic scene. The music of his new quartet contains less of the folk background but soundslike today' s pure acoustic jazz based on post bop elements.
His partners are the best players of the young generation from Budapest, as saxophonist SosoLakatos, who studied and got his diploma in Amsterdam, the classically trained Junior Primaawarded pianist Dezső Oláh, and Péter Oláh, one of the greatest bass players in CentralEurope. The repertoire of the quartet is based on the leader 's originals.
李晓川是中国当今极受追捧的青年爵士小号演奏家、作曲家,首届CMA唱工委音乐奖最佳爵士专辑奖得主;首届华人爵士大奖最佳器乐与最佳录音专辑奖双料得主;CCTV中国十大管乐演奏家与十大青年小号演奏家之一。2018年李晓川受邀赴匈牙利与Balazs Bagyi新四重奏录制由Balazs原创并编曲的《中国爵士乐组曲》,取材于2017年新四重奏在中国巡演途中的所见所感。此次新四重奏邀请李晓川一起重返中国舞台,将为中国观众带来《中国爵士乐组曲》的世界首演音乐会。
Li Xiaochuan is China‘s most recognized jazz trumpet player and composer. Li is the Winner of best jazz album of the 1st CMA music awards. He is the only jazz artist awarded by China Central Television, which is to honor the most distinguished woodwind & brass musicians in China on its TV program. Li is also the Winner of Best Instrumental Album and Best Studio-Recording Album of the 1st JZ Awards. Li is a leading light on the Chinese jazz scene, proved himself a superb technician and an imaginative improviser, quote by British best-selling jazz magazine “Jazzwise”.
Soso Lakatos山铎尔·拉卡托斯(Saxophone|萨克斯)
Dezső Oláh德索·奥拉(Piano|钢琴)
Péter Oláh彼得·蒂波尔·奥拉(Bass| 贝斯)